Contradition's matrix
Contradiction's matrix page
This is the page on which you can create your own contradictions matrix through 7 easy steps explained on the page itself
Steps navigation
Here, the numbers between 1 and 6 represent the 6 first steps of the creation of your matrix, they will be colored as soon as you complete the steps, you can also click on the numbers in order to navigate through the steps easily
Here, you need to write down the goal you want to reach using the matrix
Help step 1
These lines can help you to write correctly you goal in order to get an answer to your problem
Parameter to improve
Here, you need to write down the parameter you need to improve in order to reach your goal
Help step 2
Here are some helps about the way you should write down the parameter you need to improve
Action parameter
This is the parameter you will need to modify in order to reach your goal
This parameter defines the state of the action parameter, what you need to modify on this parameter in order to reach your goal
Help step 3
Here are some helps in order to write down correctly what is the action parameter and how you want to modify it
Here, you want to write the opposite of what you wrote in the state field, meaning that this will influence the action parameter in a totally different way
Changing parameter
This is the parameter that will be positively impactedby the modification of the action parameter this way
Help step 4
Here are some helps in order to write down correctly what is the oppositer action parameter and how it could be good for the system
Table of contradictions
This is the table in which you can find a synthesis of everything you wrote on the page, using all the fields except your goal to show you how your different parametes will act on each other
This button will reset all the fields in this page, so you can start your matrix again
Parameter to improve's parameter
Here, you need to choose between 39 parameters which one fits the best in your matrix in order to find solutions
Changing parameter's parameter
Here, you need to choose between 39 parameters which one fits the best in your matrix in order to find solutions
Solutions available
Here, you can see the different solutions you can use for your matrix, according to all the parameters you have chosen
The menu
By clicking on this button, a menu will appear from the rightern side of your screen, enabling you to see all the sections of the site and navigate towards those easily